Care & Support FAQs

Learn more about Care & Support


Is the curriculum biblically based?

Yes. Our groups use biblical principles as a framework to help participants make wise decisions regarding their situations. However, you do not have to be a Christian to participate.

Is my participation in the group confidential?

All participants are required to adhere to a covenant that protects the safety and confidentiality of everyone in the group. The leaders also work to ensure that confidential information stays within the group.

What measures are in place to ensure that spouses/ex-spouses do not end up in the same group?

We monitor the registration lists before the start of each group. If both individuals sign up for the same group, priority will be given to the participant who signed up first.

What topics are covered in a group?

Groups address topics such as anxiety, hope, personal accountability, anger, loneliness, finances, parenting, and forgiveness.

Who leads the group?

All group leaders are volunteers that have experienced divorce. They have gone through extensive training and want to encourage others going through the divorce process.

Can I be in a dating relationship while participating in a group?

The group environment is focused on personal healing and growth. We feel the distractions of a new relationship are detrimental to this process. Individuals who are dating will not receive the full benefits of the wisdom and practical tips of the program. Therefore, we ask that all participants refrain from dating while they are participating in a group.

What is the cost, and is financial assistance available?

The registration fee is $20 and covers all program materials. Some scholarships are available. For more questions about financial assistance, please contact


Do we have to be engaged to go through Two to One?

Yes. This program is specifically designed for engaged couples.

Do we have to attend a North Point Ministries church?

We are excited to be able to offer this program to any engaged couple in the Atlanta area.

What if we don’t have six months until our wedding date?

If there is not a long wait list, we might be able to match you with a mentor couple. Please email our team at to see if we can work with your time frame. If you have less than four months until your wedding, we recommend contacting a professional counselor.

Who are the mentor couples?

Our mentors are trained volunteers that have been married at least five years and demonstrate maturity in their relationship with God and wisdom in their marriage.

How do you match us with a mentor couple?

There are a variety of factors involved in the matching process. We try to align schedules, look at locations, and consider life experiences. For example, if your situation involves a stepfamily, we’ll try to match you with a mentor couple with stepfamily experience.

Where do we meet with our mentor couple?

Most couples meet in their mentors’ home.

What curriculum do you use?

We use a structured curriculum that provides excellent preparation in areas key to a successful marriage: communication, conflict resolution, finances, intimacy, and family. We also utilize the Prepare-Enrich Inventory, an online tool that assesses a couple’s strength and growth areas.

How much does it cost?

The $185 registration fee includes two workbooks, the Prepare-Enrich assessment, The 5 Love Languages book, and eight sessions with a mentor couple.

How many sessions are there, and how long are they?

There are eight sessions, and they can last anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the needs of the couple.

What if this is not my first marriage?

If either you or the person to whom you are engaged has been previously married, we recommend that your wedding date be at least two years from the date of your divorce if you’d like to participate in Two to One. If you don’t have that two-year window, we recommend professional counseling for your premarital preparation.


Do I have to attend a North Point Ministries church to participate in Re:new?

Yes. Re:new is available to regular attendees of all North Point Ministries churches.

What if I don’t attend one of your churches?

You may purchase the Renovate small group curriculum based on Re:new principles.

Is there an age requirement to go through Re:new?

Participants must be 18 years of age or older.

Who are the mentors?

Our mentors are trained volunteers who are spiritually and emotionally healthy and who have been pursuing a growing relationship with Jesus for at least five years. Mentors go through an extensive nine-week training course and are required to participate in ongoing training and peer supervision throughout the year.

Can couples participate in Re:new?

Re:new is an individual mentoring program.

How am I matched with a mentor?

A variety of factors are used to determine the best match, including location, availability, age, and life experiences.

Where will I meet with my mentor?

Mentoring sessions take place at a neutral, safe location, not the home of the participant or mentor. Possible locations include a room or office at your church campus, a local restaurant, the library, or an office conference room.

What curriculum do you use?

We use a structured curriculum developed by North Point Ministries that leads participants through a process of discovering why they may be stuck in life by uncovering lies they believe about themselves, others, and God. They learn who they are in Christ, and by understanding their identity in Christ, they learn to live in freedom. Topics such as identity, freedom, brokenness, and forgiveness are covered.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to participate in Re:new. A workbook is provided for each participant.

How many sessions are there and how long are they?

Mentoring sessions occur weekly, and each session lasts approximately 60 to 90 minutes. There is homework (1–2 hours weekly) and other preparation required prior to each mentoring session. On average, the program takes four to six months to complete when meeting weekly.

Is my information kept confidential?

All communication between you and your mentor is confidential. Georgia state law requires the mentor to report to the appropriate authorities any suspected sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, or serious threat of physical harm to self or others.

How do I know if Re:new is the best next step for me?

When you complete the Re:new application, you will be contacted to set up a face-to-face meeting with a Re:new team member. Together you’ll determine if Re:new is the right fit for your current needs. If it is not, the Re:new team will work with you to help identify the best next step for your situation.

What is the difference between mentoring and counseling?

Re:new mentoring focuses on the spiritual growth of the participant to help them discover how to live life as God intended. Mentors are trained volunteers. Counselors have advanced degrees and licensing. 
In addition to encouraging spiritual growth, counselors can provide help in areas not covered in Re:new. For example, they specialize in helping clients with relationships, mental health (anxiety and depression), trauma, active addiction, abuse, and career support. For a personalized counseling referral, visit this page

How can I become a Re:new mentor?

Because the role of a mentor is full of opportunities for influence, we are intentional about selecting individuals who are spiritually mature, have been pursuing a growing relationship with Jesus Christ for at least five years, and are emotionally healthy. If you meet this criteria, the next step is to complete a Re:new volunteer application. 

Once your application is received, a member of our Re:new team will contact you to set up a time to meet face to face. If it is determined that becoming a Re:new mentor would be a good next step, you will be invited to go through our Re:new new leader training.



Is the curriculum biblically based?

Yes. Our groups and one-on-one mentoring programs use biblical principles as a framework to help participants make wise decisions regarding their finances. However, you do not have to be a Christian to participate.

What is the cost? Is financial assistance available?

The registration fee for a MoneyWise Group is $74 which covers all program materials. MoneyWise Mentoring and MoneyWise Coaching are provided free of charge.

For more information about financial assistance, please contact

Do I have to attend a North Point Ministries church?

We are excited to be able to offer this program to anyone in the Atlanta area. 

What curriculum do you use?

Your mentor will use either Andy Stanley’s If Money Talked or Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Who are the MoneyWise mentors?

Our mentors are trained volunteers that have demonstrated maturity in their relationship with God and wisdom in their finances. 

How do you match people with a mentor?

The matching process involves several factors. We try to align schedules, coordinate locations, and consider life experiences. 

Where do we meet with our mentor or group?

You can meet via Zoom or in person at a location that is convenient for you, the mentor, and the group.

For example, many MoneyWise groups meet at the church. 

What if I can’t make it to every session?

Regular attendance is essential to achieve maximum benefits. If you must cancel or reschedule, please contact your mentor at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled time.

To respect your mentor’s time, missed sessions may result in the discontinuation of the program.

If you are married, both you and your spouse are required to attend all sessions together. 

Is there homework?

Yes. You will be required to complete weekly homework assignments and come prepared for each meeting.

Each session with your mentor or group will be based on the concept presented and the information you gather from doing the homework.

Homework may include reading, listening to a video, and tracking your expenses. It may require an hour or more per week. 

How many sessions are included? How long are the meetings?

Financial Peace University (FPU) groups meet for nine weeks with each session requiring one to two hours.

If Money Talked groups meet for four weeks with each session requiring one to two hours.

Additionally, the mentoring process varies from three to six months. Each session can take one to two hours, depending on the needs of the person or couple.

Coaching is a single, one-hour session with a MoneyWise Mentor.

Is my participation in MoneyWise confidential?

All communication between you and your mentor is confidential. Georgia state law requires that the mentor report any suspected sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, or serious threat of physical harm to self or others.


I would prefer a group setting. Is that something you offer?

We currently only offer one-on-one mentoring for Restore, but we’d be happy to help you find a GriefShare group near you if you’d prefer to be in a group. 

When will I be paired with a mentor?

We do our best to match you as soon as possible, but sometimes the process can take a few weeks (depending on the availability of our mentors and the specifics of your needs). We will keep you updated along the way, and we’re happy to recommend additional resources while you’re on the waiting list. 

Can I go through this program for any type of loss—like a job loss, divorce, or loss of a pet?

While any type of loss can be extremely challenging, Restore is only for those that have lost a loved one. We’d love to connect you with resources that better fit your needs, so feel free to contact us about this. 

Is there an age requirement?

You must be at least 18 years of age to participate.

Can I go through Restore with my spouse?

Restore is an individual mentoring program. 

Who are your mentors?

Our mentors are trained volunteers who are spiritually and emotionally healthy. Mentors go through extensive training and are required to participate in ongoing trainings throughout the year. 

How am I matched with a mentor?

A variety of factors are used to determine the best match, including location, availability, age, and type of loss.

Where will I meet with my mentor?

Mentoring sessions take place at a neutral, safe location, not the home of the participant or mentor. Possible locations include a room or office at your church, a local restaurant, the library, or an office conference room.  

What curriculum do you use?

We use a structured curriculum developed by North Point Ministries and written by two of our staff members that have lost loved ones. 

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to participate in Restore. A workbook is provided for each participant.

Still have questions? Talk to a staff member.