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Reactions Speak Louder Than Words

Andy Stanley
Jun-Jul 2022

Actions speak louder than words. Reactions speak louder than either.

Voices: Sandra Stanley

Sandra Stanley
Jun 19, 2022

Sandra Stanley shares five wishes she has for all of us.

Voices: Darren Youngstrom

Darren Youngstrom
Jun 12, 2022

Being in the middle of something can be difficult, but getting something out of the middle is more important than getting out of the middle.

Voices: Gerald Fadayomi

Gerald Fadayomi
Jun 05, 2022

It’s possible to look for all the right things in all the wrong places.

Your Rule of Life

Samer Massad
May 29, 2022

Spiritual growth, the process of becoming like Christ, is a life long process that involves developing certain practices, or habits, to...
