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Check Your Heart

Samer Massad
Nov 2023

Monitoring the physical condition of your heart is important. We count our steps, engage in tests, and take medications… But what about...

Under The Circumstances

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2023

When life doesn’t turn out the way we hope, it can cause us to doubt God’s goodness. But many times, it’s in the midst of our...

Fatal Distractions

Joel Thomas
Oct 2023

Jesus came that we might discover “life to the full,” while the enemy plots to steal, kill, and destroy. Many often miss out on this...

Make Room

Samer Massad
Sep 2023

What’s the key to a thriving spiritual life? To thrive in any area of life, we set practices for growth and progress. Spiritual...

Be Rich 2023

Andy Stanley with Hal Donaldson
Sep 10, 2023

As we see in this interview with Hal Donaldson, sometimes difficult circumstances can inspire people to do something great.
