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The Menace, Myth & Mayhem of Autonomy

Andy Stanley
Jun 21, 2020

Autonomy looks appealing on the surface. After all, having the freedom to do what you want to do is viewed as living successfully. But...


Gavin Adams
Jun 14, 2020

Help set the foundation for the next generation.

Mother's Day at Woodstock City

Jennifer McGhee, Liz Lewis, Elaine Scott, Julianna Vereecken
May 10, 2020

For this special Mother’s Day service, we’ll hear from three Woodstock City moms about their experiences with faith, friendship, and...

You'll Want to Avoid This

Samer Massad
Feb 09, 2020

We all want to be the best versions of ourselves. To do that, we steer clear of things we know will bring us down. There’s one thing we...

Talking Points

Andy Stanley
Jan 2020

There are few things as divisive as politics. But the question for Jesus followers is this: Are you willing to evaluate your politics...
