Small Groups

Make yourself at home.

tlr small group

Experience real belonging & connection

tlr small group

Small Groups at TLR

Your college years are filled with transition. Navigating school, work, and friendships can be complicated. We want to help! You don't have to do it alone.


Register For A Group


Group registration will close on August 21. 

Can I be in the same group as my friend?

Absolutely! If you and any of your friends would like to join the same group, there will be a spot on the signup form for you to put their name(s) down. 

Do groups meet over the summer?

With everyone home for summer break, we take summers off.

But you and your group might decide to keep meeting or have a few social gatherings instead.

TLR will host social gatherings over the summer until we start meeting regularly again. 

When is small group registration available throughout the year?

Small group registration happens in August when TLR kicks off for the school year. As of now, this is the only time we open groups for sign-ups. 

Have a specific question about groups that you don't see on this page?

We want to help! Email us, and a TLR staff member will be in touch soon. 

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