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Big Reputation 2023

Samer Massad
Jan 01, 2023

Religion was and in some ways still is used and perceived as a system of exclusion. But Jesus used relationship as a pathway to inclusion...

Christmas with Woodstock City: Divine Condescension

Samer Massad
Dec 24, 2022

The movement of Jesus is always to and toward people. Christmas reminds us of the staggering lengths Jesus went to be with us.

Reasons For The Season

Andy Stanley
Dec 2022

The birth of Jesus benefitted us in many ways. In this series, we’ll look at three of them.


Matt Hayes, Alysia Dicks and Elaine Scott
Nov 2022

Life is full of conversations—dialogues with yourself, others, or even God. In this series, we’ll look at the three different dialogues...

Heaven: Who Goes There?

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2022

Most people believe in heaven, and most people believe they'll end up there. Can we really know?
