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Be Rich 2022: The Bridge Between Our Differences

Andy Stanley
Oct 16, 2022

Jesus didn’t command us to agree with one another. We can disagree and love unconditionally.

Made For This

Samer Massad
Sep-Oct 2022

What gives life meaning? What’s the purpose of life? Why are we here? As humans, we may find it unsettling to not have answers to these...

You'll Be Glad You Did

Andy Stanley and April Farmer
Aug-Sep 2022

Good decisions get us where we want to go, and wisdom fills the gaps when we're wondering what do to.

Known For It

Andy Stanley
Aug 07, 2022

We all want to be known for something. What we really need is to be known by someone.

Find My Friends

Samer Massad
Jul 2022

We live in a world where people are lonelier and more isolated than ever before, and it’s never been more important to find and cultivate...
